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🌱 Creamy Vegan Garlic Pasta Recipe

Looking for a delicious and healthy vegan pasta recipe? Try our creamy vegan garlic pasta recipe made with cashews, garlic, and nutritional yeast. Get inspired and start cooking today!

Creamy Vegan Garlic Pasta Recipe

You will need:

  • spaghetti200g spaghetti
  • raw cashews1 cup raw cashews
  • water2 cups water
  • garlic cloves4 cloves garlic
  • nutritional yeast2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • salt and pepperSalt and pepper to taste
  • fresh parsleyFresh parsley for garnish


  1. Start by soaking the cashews in water for at least 2 hours, or overnight if possible.
  2. Cook the spaghetti according to the package instructions until al dente.
  3. While the pasta is cooking, drain the cashews and place them in a blender.
  4. Add the garlic, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, and 1 cup of water to the blender.
  5. Blend until smooth to create your creamy sauce.
  6. Once the pasta is cooked, drain it and return it to the pot.
  7. Pour the creamy sauce over the pasta and mix well to combine.
  8. Serve the pasta hot, garnished with fresh parsley.


This recipe serves 2. For a more intense garlic flavor, you can add more cloves. The nutritional yeast gives the sauce a cheesy flavor without any dairy.

Embrace the flavors of vegan cuisine with our Creamy Vegan Garlic Pasta Recipe. This dish is a testament to the fact that vegan meals can be just as flavorful and satisfying as their non-vegan counterparts. It's a perfect blend of hearty pasta and a creamy, garlic-infused sauce that will have you coming back for seconds.

The star of this dish is the creamy garlic sauce, made from a base of raw cashews. Cashews, when soaked and blended, create a rich and creamy texture that's perfect for pasta sauces. Their neutral flavor also makes them a great canvas for other ingredients, like the robust garlic in this recipe. Curious about other ways to use cashews in vegan cooking? Check out our fun and easy vegan recipes.

Another key ingredient in this recipe is nutritional yeast. This is a staple in many vegan kitchens due to its cheesy flavor. It adds a depth of flavor to the sauce that's hard to achieve with other ingredients. If you're new to nutritional yeast, you might be interested in our article on pasta for vegans, which includes more information on this versatile ingredient.

Don't be intimidated if you're new to vegan cooking. This recipe is straightforward and easy to follow, making it perfect for beginners. And if you're looking for more inspiration, we have plenty of vegan pasta recipes to explore. Whether you're a seasoned vegan chef or just starting your plant-based journey, we're here to help you discover the joy of vegan cooking.

Remember, cooking is an art, and every artist needs their canvas. In this recipe, spaghetti serves as our canvas. But feel free to experiment with other types of pasta as well. If you're curious about which vegan pasta tastes the most similar to traditional pasta, we've got you covered in our FAQ section.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your apron on, gather your ingredients, and let's start cooking. Enjoy the process, savor the flavors, and most importantly, have fun. After all, the best meals are those made with love and passion. Happy cooking!